Cannabis contains an intriguingly complex mixture of compounds, with researchers having identified over 500 unique molecules in the cannabis plant to date. This unique plant has tremendous therapeutic potential, and therefore numerous medical conditions have been approved in many states and countries as qualifying conditions for medicinal cannabis use.


In many cases, cannabis has shown to treat illnesses more effectively, as opposed to conventional medicines and treatments. There are numerous examples of patients with Parkinson’s disease, who have exhausted all other therapies and medications with little to no success, however, have seen their tremors and symptoms reduce significantly and sometimes even disappear when using cannabis. The same is true with epilepsy, autism, and many other conditions.


Cannabinoids such as CBD have shown some very promising results in treating breast cancer by down-regulating certain genes. Although extensive clinical data are still lacking regarding the medical use of cannabis in general, cannabinoids are widely used to alleviate symptoms and treat many diseases. Besides their role in treating many conditions, cannabinoids also serve as a protective function in certain medical conditions.


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